Tuesday, January 13, 2009

1st Fruit Cake Attempt

I decided to bake a Fruit Cake yesterday for 2 main reasons;-To follow my mom's yearly tradition to make Fruit Cake during CNY, and for one of our close friend, Seyda who I think once told me that she loves Fruit Cake.

I'm not happy with the result of my Fruit Cake, the main reason being I OVERBAKED it!! Argh!!!! I was browsing this Cake Book (Courtesy of my mom!) for easiest Fruit Cake to make without having me run out to the store to get more ingredients and saw that most of the Fruit Cake recipes require a baking time of about 3 hours....So, when I finally settled with this Boiled Fruit Cake recipe, which was very easy to make....... I FORGOT to check the baking time...set my oven for 3 hours, and only realized my DUMB mistake about 2 hours plus after baking it!!!!! Sigh................... the outcome, I think it's errrrrrr a little dry.........I'm gonna "age" the cake for a couple days brushing it with liquor and hope that who ever who tasted the cake would just taste the liquor in the cake and not the dryness of it!!! Maybe I can attempt to slice it thinly, and bake it even more so that it turns into a cookie or biscotti? Or add a custard mixture and turn it into "Fruit Cake Pudding". I will repeat this recipe the next time, replacing the store bought glaze mix-fruit with other dried fruits and of course double check the baking time!

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